Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Terms to Know

-Turning - Turning is commonly believed to be impossible.
–Some debate the possiblitity of turning, however the belief is that the only way to create a vampiric condition in one not born with the condition would be to damage one’s chakra or energy body to such an extreme that it can not repair itself naturally. With the Metaphysical body being Parallel and connected to the physical body, this is considered dangerous and could result in dire consequences.
-It is said that it is believed there are none powerful enough nor crazy and heartless enough to attempt such a thing.

Awakenings: An awakening is the process of gaining awareness and coming to terms with one’s self and their being.
-Awakenings, in vampirism, are considered mainly spiritual, though they can effect or influence one mentally, physically and emotionally.
-Awakenings are not solely vampiric and can be had by anyone (spiritual, religious, etc).

-Pseudo-Vampirism: Also termed: Sympathy-, False-, or Temporary Vampirism.
-Caused when one is drained too much,and can not naturally replenish their energy to the point of needing to pull energy in from elsewhere. Pseudo-vampirism should go away with time.
-If a donor experiences symptoms of vampirism They should stop donating, rest and be given time to refresh their own energy systems.

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