Tuesday, April 10, 2012



-Blood is believed to contain life energy, and for many vampires is the vessel from which they are able to attain the energy they require.
-Some exclusive Sanguine feeders will debate of a physical component in the blood, that they believe they need. As of yet, there have been no known findings by the medical or scientific fields to support this debate. -The taking of energy through the drinking of another’s blood
-Typically the amount of about a shot glass per month should suffice. Amount of need does vary depending on individual need and availability of donors.
-The person offering their blood to you MUST be a willing donor
-Do not become greedy. Be aware and mindful of the vampire’s need as well as the donor’s well being.


Pranic vampires are vampires that feed psychically on life force energies. Pranic feeding (in any form) can be done from an individual (most often a willing donor) or from the ambient energies of a group or crowd. However, pranic feeding can also be done from a person without the person realizing that they are being fed from, although many may consider it to be unethical to do so. Generally though, the person being fed from is not harmed by the feeding in any way.

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