Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rules and Why Autovampirism is Bad

Autovampirism, (the drinking of one's own blood) does not provide a vampire with any energy, since the energy is just being recycled back into the system of the vampire. It is frowned upon by many in the community, who see it as a destructive act that provides no benefit. Using what has been said about Autovampirism, and applying the Laws of Thermodynamics we get The Laws of Vampirism.

The Zero Law

The Zero Law simply says there is no heat flow between objects that are the same temperature. Now if we alter the words to this statement we can have it apply to vampires. The Zero Law simply states there is no energy flow between people of the same energy level. Now what does this mean?

Explained: Vampires cannot feed from themselves because they would be feeding from the same energy level, they wouldn't be gaining energy, as there is no energy to gather from. Now for the aspect of feeding from other sources. A vampire cannot feed from an empty source. Its like taking money out of an empty bank account. Its not gonna happen. There is no "funds" to withdraw so the "transaction" would be declined. Now, a vampire cannot feed if he is already full. There, in fact, would be no need, and in fact if a vampire was to feed from another source, and that was drained, he would in turn drain himself. Why you might ask? It's simple. Read the Zero Law again. It may not explain it directly, but it states that if a drained source feeds from full source, it will become half full. Now if a vampire becomes greedy, the reverse will happen.

The First Law

The First Law is that heat cannot be created or destroyed.  Now how does this affect vampires? If energy cannot be created or destroyed then a vampire cannot feed from itself. It states that it cannot be created, so feeding from oneself will do no good. Doing such wont destroy the energy but recycle it back in. No energy is gained, but instead lost. The energy used in feeding is used in the process and escapes from the work of self feeding, leaving the vampire drained worse than before.

The Second Law

The Second Law The Second Law says that entropy always increases in a closed system. (A closed system is one that does not exchange any energy with the surrounding environment.) Entropy can decrease in an open system only if energy is received from an outside source. Whenever energy is received by an open system, the sum of the entropy open system plus the entropy of the outside source increases. Now what does this mean? "Entropy" is a quantifiable measure of how evenly distributed energy is. The results of countless calculations have shown that every time energy flows from a full spot to an empty spot, entropy increases. Every time energy flows from an empty spot to a full spot, entropy decreases. Now what this says is that entropy is like comfort. It lets us know if we are "hungry" or if we are "full". Basically it states:
1. If energy flows from a full spot to an empty spot, the empty spots entropy (or Comfort) is going to increase.
2. If energy flows from an empty spot to a full spot, the empty spots entropy is going to decrease, becoming less comfortable. Entropy can decrease in an open system ONLY if energy is received from an outside source.This means that the vampire
1. Has to feed from an outside source in order to sustain itself. Whenever energy is received by an open system, the sum of the entropy open system plus the entropy of the outside source increases.
2. Has to constantly find a source of energy to keep entropy increased, or it will start to decrease making the vampire tired again. The entropy of a closed system always increases if work is done (or if work is wasted). The only way the change in entropy can remain the same is if a "reversible" process occurs. For a process to be reversible, energy has to be transferred without any loss. This cannot happen for a vampire as we have an energy deficiency that causes us to look for that "lost" energy. There are some nearly reversible processes; but the Third Law (which we will see in a moment) says that there are no truly reversible processes. This means that a vampire is an open system. It constantly exchanges its energy with its environment, causing the need for a closed source, a source to feed from.

The Third Law

The Third Law says that an ideal engine would convert 100% of the heat into useful work only if its exhaust temperature were absolute zero. In other words, 100% efficiency is impossible. With this being said, a vampire must always feed, as it is not an ideal engine. It has leaks and flaws that causes us to have such an issue with retaining energy. Since 100% efficiency is impossible, it means that there are no truly reversible processes. That, in turn, means that all processes are irreversible. That means, all processes have a natural direction which causes entropy to increase. This is another reason vampire have to feed, as once the energy leaves the body it is gone. Once empty, the vampire must find a new source.

Now here's everything explained in the simplest of forms.
There is a fixed amount of energy in the universe. Energy is neither created, nor destroyed.
Energy is "organized" when there are some places that are abundant than others. (Example: Malls, grocery stores, largely populated areas of frequent travel...)
Energy always tries to disorganize itself by moving from a strong place to a weak place, spreading itself out as evenly as possible.
Entropy is a measure of how evenly spread out the energy is. (In other words, entropy is a measure of energy disorder, and applies to a degree of comfort.)
As energy flows from one place to another, it either does work or wastes the opportunity to do work.
Natural processes cannot violate these laws.

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