Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Categories of Vampires

   Some will say that there are two main different categories; Sanguin (who drink blood and draw energy from a physical source) and Pranic (which involves manipulating the energy of one’s surroundings and bringing it into themeselves) ; and that all other forms are subcategories or specializations of Pranic Vampires. Others will say that each feeding method is a different form of feeding, hence different "types" of vampires.

Subcategories of Pranic Vampires

   Empathic vampires are vampires who feed on emotional life-force energies from the emotions of people.

   There are those that will say that vampires that feed on negative emotional energies (anger, fear, etc.) are negative/chaotic vampires and are a subcategory/specialization of empathic vampires. Others will say that negative/chaos vampires are separate from empathic vampires. The reason is that empathic vampires will usually feed on whatever emotions a person is feeling without necessarily causing those emotions. However, often negative/ chaos vampires will cause situations where negative emotions and chaotic energies will be stimulated and then feed off of those energies.

   Sexual vampires are vampires who feed on the life-force energies generated from having sex, especially the excess energies generated at the moment of orgasm. They can do so psychically and/or from bodily fluids.
Female sexual vampires are sometimes referred to as succubi (singularly, succubus), and male sexual vampires are sometime referred to as incubi (singularly, incubus).

   Soul vampires are vampires that are able to feed directly off the energy of a person's soul.
As a result of soul feeding, soul vampires will sometimes gain some or all of the abilities of the person they are feeding from. Soul vampires will also sometimes receive memories, thoughts and desires of the person that they are feeding from. Soul feeding is a very intimate form of feeding, even more so than sexual and sanguine feeding.

   Elemental vampires are vampires that are able to feed on the life force energies of the elements; earth, wind, fire, and water.
Some will say that elemental vampires are elementalists who are able to manipulate elemental energies and then convert those energies into consumable life-force energies. Others will say that elemental vampires feed directly from elemental life-force energies.
There are also those that will say that vampires who feed on life-force energies from plants and animals are also elemental vampires. However, there are those that distinguish such vampires as nature vampires.
Another method of feeding often considered a subcategory or specialization of elemental feeding is electrical feeding; the indirect feeding on energies in electrical fields and lightning. Others will distinguish such vampires as electrical vampires.

   Astral vampires are vampires that are able to travel through the astral plane and feed off of the life-force energies of other entities within the astral plane, and/or they are able to materialize in astral form and feed off the life-force energies of people that are usually asleep.

   Dreamscape vampires are essentially astral vampires that are able to enter into a person's dream, and feed from the life-force energies within the dream. They can be invisible observers in the dream, or they can manifest themselves within the dream.
Some are able to influence the course of the dream.

   Vampires who only use one method of feeding are referred to by the way that they feed (i.e., sanguinarian, elemental vampire, sexual vampire, etc.). Vampires who are able to feed using some but not all psychic methods but are not able to feed sanguine are referred to as adaptive pranic vampires. Vampires who are able to feed using all psychic methods but are not able to feed sanguine are referred to as eclectic pranic vampires. Sanguine vampires that are also able to feed using some but not all psychic methods are referred to as adaptive vampires. Sanguine vampires who are also able to feed using all psychic methods are referred to as eclectic vampires.

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